The Psychology Early Career Conference
April 12, 2024 | Durham University
The Psychology Early Career Conference is the only conference aimed at fostering the academic and professional growth of undergraduate, masters, and PhD students in the NorthEast. Submit your abstract now to be considered for a symposium session or a poster or register to attend as a staff member or post-PhD researcher. Attendance is free.

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What is PECC?
The Psychology Early Career Conference was developed with the goal of supporting undergraduates, master's, and PhD students who are interested in a career in research. Our conference is an opportunity for you to connect with collaborators from around the NorthEast region. Symposia, posters, and keynote speaker sessions are designed to enhance the skills and experiences of budding psychologists and foster their professional growth.
We hope that students and staff members alike will join us for an afternoon of exciting research presentations, discussion, and networking!
Meet Our Sponsors
PECC 2024 is organised and hosted by the Behaviour and Physiology Group at Durham University Psychology Department.
We are also very thankful for the generous support from the BH Nguyen Fund, from Biopac Systems UK/Linton Instrumentation, and Prolific.

Keynote Speaker

Kaitlyn M. Werner, PhD
University of Oregon
Kaitlyn M. Werner, PhD is an NIH Diversity Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oregon where she studies the motivational and affective mechanisms of goal pursuit and behaviour change. She completed her PhD in social, personality, and health psychology at Carleton University in Canada in 2019 and has since completed several competitive fellowships at the University of Toronto and University of Pennsylvania.
Kaitlyn will discuss her discovery of a passion for research and her unorthodox journey in pursuing unique career opportunities, such as developing a mentorship network and engaging in diverse research collaborations internationally. As a first-generation student, she aims to motivate future scientists, demonstrating that individuals from any background can achieve success by embracing their distinctiveness and forging a personal path in academia.
Organising Committee
Chair: Dr Jonathon McPhetres, Durham University (
Support Team:
Grace Coumbe (BPG, 3rd Year Undergraduate)
Lauren Frankal (BPG, 2nd Year Undergraduate)
Sherwood Hsu (BPG, Undergraduate)
Nicole Kemp (BPG, MRes Student)
Dr Delali Konu (BPG, Postdoctoral Researcher)
Bhakti Khati (BPG, PhD student)
Kazel Lim (BPG, 2nd Year Undergraduate)
Karolina Rostkowska (BPG, 2nd Year Undergraduate)
Xiaohan Sun (BPG, PGT Student)
Deborah Tetteh (BPG, 3rd Year Undergraduate)
Janesh Uppala (BPG, 2nd Year Undergraduate)
Dan Linh Watroba (BPG, 2nd Year Undergraduate)

Time Table
January 26, 2024
Submission Portal Opens
March 20, 2024
Submission Deadline
March 31, 2024
Decision Notification